The Mindful Cesarean Birth Plan
The Mindful Cesarean Birth Plan We understand that medical concerns may take precedent over our wishes, but we would like you to know what is important to us as parents if we birth by cesarean. We would like to know the names of the people providing us care. Please introduce[…]
You are preparing for a planned cesarean
“I may have to have a planned cesarean. Is The Mindful Cesarean for me?” This website and the accompanying Toolkit are for anyone who learns in advance of labor that she will most likely birth by cesarean. Knowing ahead of time of the high likelihood of a cesarean offers families hours,[…]
Birth on My Own Terms, by Suzanne Chesney
“It was not the success or failure of my VBAC that determined my healing, but the fact that I gave birth on my own terms, in an environment of knowledge, respect, and love.” When I first became pregnant, I knew very little about pregnancy and childbirth. One thing I did[…]
The Best Moment of My Life, by Kelly Foulds
“Then came a sound I will never forget, the best moment of my life: Amelie let out an almighty scream and I burst out crying! That was MY baby! She was here and I was a mum! It was amazing!” Although I gave birth at exactly 39 weeks my[…]
You are planning a VBAC
“I’m planning a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC). Is The Mindful Cesarean for me?” Research tells us that most women can birth vaginally following a cesarean, should they so choose.(i) Supportive care from an obstetrician or midwife is an essential ingredient and studies show that inviting a doula to your[…]
Skin to Skin Contact
Our Species’ Best Medicine for Parenting a Baby Following a Cesarean Kangaroo Mother Care: Dr. Nils Bergman on Skin to Skin after a Cesarean Skin to Skin is Good For You Too: It Wires Your Brain for Post-Cesarean Parenting Separation is Stressful! What if my Baby and I are Separated? My[…]
Cesarean Birth as Sacred, by Elana Bell
“Although I would never have chosen a C-section, although my recovery has been painful and hard, I feel proud of my labor, proud of the choice I made to bring my son safely into the world, and proud of the way I was able to be present…” On August 29th,[…]
Breastfeeding After a Cesarean Breastfeeding is a healthy, healing part of a cesarean that offers many physical and emotional benefits for you and your baby. Women can also face unique challenges following a cesarean and will benefit from extra support from family, friends and professionals. But when asked about the[…]
Midwife and Doula Support
If you’ve engaged a midwife for your primary care, she will most likely be present at your cesarean birth. She can be on both sides of the curtain, meaning she can easily relay your requests to doctors, give you status updates, and offer emotional support throughout. If you have a[…]