How to Avoid an Unnecessary Cesarean
A birth by cesarean can be life saving. We are fortunate to live at a time when this technology is as widely available as it is. And yet, many expectant parents tell me that a cesarean is their top fear. Expectant parents are alarmed because cesareans are an overused technology. One[…]
You are looking for information just in case
“I’m anticipating a vaginal birth but want information on a cesarean, just in case. Is The Mindful Cesarean for me?” The Mindful Cesarean is for anyone who expects to give birth vaginally but who wants to prepare for a positive cesarean just in case. Experts debate the number, but in human[…]
The Hardest Parts
A cesarean is a birth. And it is a surgery. The room is cold. Metal equipment clanks. There is a distinct burning smell as doctors cauterize blood vessels to stop bleeding. Some women experience nausea, vomiting or uncontrollable shaking. It can feel unfamiliar, disorienting and overwhelming. Recovery is often physically[…]
Delayed Cord Clamping
In most cases, delayed cord clamping is possible with a cesarean. Ask your doctors to place the baby on your chest or thighs and wait to cut the cord 30 to 60 seconds. It might help to remind doctors that the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology now recommends delayed[…]
Planned vs. In-Labor Cesarean
Cesareans are Healthiest for Children When They Follow at Least Some Labor, a Study Says We have known for some time that babies born by cesarean have an increased risk of health problems. Now, the largest and longest study ever conducted on the health impact of planned cesareans finds that[…]
Microbes From Mom
The research is in! It is now confirmed that with a simple vaginal swab we can successfully transfer bacteria from the mother’s birth canal to a baby born by cesarean. Why would researchers and parents make such an effort? How a baby is born affects the baby’s first bacteria: a[…]
If You’ve Already Given Birth
After a cesarean, many well-meaning individuals, including hospital staff and family, will tell you, “How can you be upset now? You have this beautiful baby in your arms!” No matter how beautiful the baby in your arms, it is possible to simultaneously cherish your baby and mourn aspects of your[…]
Parenting Your Baby Through a Cesarean
Tell The Story of What Happened Your baby is experiencing her birth. As her parent, imagine what she might be feeling and perceiving at different stages of the process. Talk to her throughout. Describe what is happening. Tell your baby what is about to come. Reassure your child. Once your baby[…]
Operating Room Essentials
Operating rooms are brightly lit for obvious reasons, and, to limit the growth of unfriendly microbes, the room is kept cool. You can warm up the space with music and scent. Bring your tunes. Consider music that helps you relax or stay emotionally or spiritually connected. Your partner can bring[…]
The Screen
If you would like to see your baby born but have no interest in watching the surgery (which most doctors discourage anyhow), ask your providers to hang two screens: the blue screen they use at every cesarean, plus a clear screen. The blue screen will block your view of the[…]